
Welcome to the Indiana Chelation Clinic. We started providing IV chelation (also called EDTA) treatments to the citizens of central Indiana in 2012 because of the growing desire of Hoosiers to have an alternative treatment to statin drugs. In addition, there was a dwindling number of providers in the region who will perform the procedure. Therefore, at the Indiana Chelation Clinic, you will experience a physician supervised clinic that will administer IV EDTA treatments in a safe fashion utilizing the most up to date protocols.

So why should you pick our clinic over another one?

1. Our clinic is supervised by a board certified physician so you can rest assured that a qualified person is administering the treatment.

2. Our staff if highly trained in the insertion of the IV. As a result, the IV is placed comfortably and consistently.

3. All of our IV are balanced to have the same concentration as your blood. As a result, there is no burning or damage to your veins. Unfortunately most clinics do not do this.

4. We use the most up to date formulation of EDTA, the one that used in all the research articles. Therefore it can be run fast or slow with practically no side effects.

5. Finally, our prices usually beat most other clinics.

EDTA can Treat These the Symptoms of these Conditions!

1. Heart Disease

2. Cerebral Vascular Disease

3. High Blood Pressure (hypertension)

4. Heavy Metal Toxicity

5. Metal Build Up after Chemotherapy

6. Peripheral Vascular Disease

7. While chelation is not a silver bullet for all diseases and all patients, it does offer a safe and research proven way to treat the above conditions when traditional means cannot be utilized.

Contact Us!

If you have any questions about EDTA therapy and what it can offer you in terms of longevity, please feel free to browse our website, or call us today for a consultation at (317) 491-5272 because EDTA chelation might be right for you.

Most noteworthy is that chelation has been featured by such healthcare pioneers like Dr. Oz and Dr. Andrew Weil.